L. D. Whitney

Adventure Starts Here

Old Paper


For centuries, Brazilian folklore has spoken of a monstrous creature said to live in the Amazon rainforest. An expedition is mounted to the deepest parts of the Amazon in search of the unknown. A team of researchers travels down remote tributaries and treks through dense jungle terrain in search of creatures long thought to be extinct. It isn’t long before they realize that certain remnants of the primeval past have managed to survive into current times.




Born on the rolling prairies of the Great Plains, Logan now calls the High Desert his home. One of his most vivid memories from his early years has him stapling together disparate pieces of lined paper to make "books" in Mrs. Johnson's kindergarten classroom. 

L. has had many careers, from Invasive Species Manager, Professional Archeologist, History Teacher, and most recently Author. He divides his time between hiking, writing, drawing, and acting as co-host on the critically acclaimed podcast "Rogues in the House". 


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